Hello World!
Hello world! I’ve begun living the life and career I dreamed of but feared I couldn’t handle! Well, I threw myself into travel and by golly, I was good at it! I made the physical moves and changes and labored in a new trade to rearrange my financial and living situations in order to have funds to make it happen. Connecting with people in Cuba showed me that we are similar in our humanity, although we may be different in “how” we live - our governments, our cultures, our food. I am determined to see more of the Caribbean, Latin America, and who knows what next after that. I bring myself into the world as a human ambassador of friendliness… kindness is a form of love that is good to spread around. That being said, we still live in a world full of dangers and have to know and maintain safe boundaries to survive and thrive.
When we give energy to something good, it grows (and vice versa, for you hard knocks out there like me who learn the hard way!). I think it is time to say goodbye here (just here in this blog) to the 35 readers I have out there in the world and begin puttin’ that energy into the type of writing and art that may in fact be revenue to support my travels. I have appreciated everyone that has read these few blogs over the last three years, and I hope you learned something and were inspired to go and see for yourself (hike, drive, climb, fly) what beauty awaits out in the natural world!
Love has helped me get here. Love and supportive belief in me, coming from people who have changed my life. There is only a before and an after for these people, and I won’t name names… but if you have transformed my world view in a positive or realistic way or believed in me when I said “I’m going to Cuba… solo! For 16 days! 4 cities!” I just want to thank you now, and in person of course, I got ‘mad love’ for you.
For now, let this Cuban bus take you to your own adventurous future… ‘Transportando al Futuro!’
Much luck to you all in your endeavors! You may follow mine anytime in a day-to-day fashion on my Instagram.